Sunday, November 2, 2008

Stay This Way Forever

It's Sunday night and I can say that I am completely content with everything. Last week was kind of tough. I had a good amount of assignments due so it was a sem-stressful week. I was looking forward to this weekend to relieve some stress, get some work done, just relax. This weekend was good, really good. Friday was Halloween and it was surely an interesting evening. My brother's Frat had a party so my friends and I went there. There were a lot of interesting costumes, most were completely over the top. Saturday I woke up and went to the diner and noticed what a beautiful day it was. Seriously, after the wind and cold of last week, Saturday was a surprisingly nice day. It was sunny and warm with a slight breeze. So, to appreciate it I read outside for awhile, just leaning up against a tree. There's really nothing better. Later I watched a movie, Say Anything, with my friend Shannon. It was a great day to just sit around and do nothing. It was my friend's birthday on Saturday too so we went to a concert to celebrate. It was a lot of fun. I'm so happy that it was daylight savings time though so I could get an extra hour of sleep. Today was a really good day. My friends Sara and Shannon and I decided to go to this Indian restaurant in Langley Park and then go to a few thrift stores. The busses weren't running so we decided to walk.... it was something like 1.5 miles. Langley Park isn't the greatest area so it was an interesting walk. The food was amazing... I love multi-cultural food, just anything different, exotic, unusual. It was a great break from the boring diner food. I just get so tired of not having any spice in food. At home, my dad made some of the best food, always spicy and flavorful...I really miss it. Anyway the thrift store was pretty cool though I didn't end up getting anything. I really didn't have too much homework to do this weekend which was really good. I wrote a short essay for Women's Studies and I have just been studying Government a little bit, nothing big. Overall it was a really good day and a really good weekend. Couldn't everyday be like this?

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