Sunday, November 30, 2008

Box of Rain

Well I'm back in college park. It's hard to believe that I was gone, the whole weekend was kind of like a dream. I really like being home and talking with my parents just to get perspective, reevaluate my direction, or reaffirm my values. I slept really late today, well until 11 which was later than I planned. It was just such a rainy day in baltimore and my bed was just too comfortable to leave. When I finally did get up it was to my brother shouting through the door to sign a card for my dad's birthday. We decided to get him tickets to a Maryland basketball game because we know how much he loves it, even though the team hasn't really been good in forever. Today I looked at classes and scheduling for next semester because my registration date is wednesday!! Crazy, really, how time flies. I think I know what I want to do, I just hope that I get all of the classes that I want. I also got a big portion of my government essay done: 7 of 10 pages done. Not a bad start. I'll probably finish it tomorrow pretty easily. I'm feeling slightly stressed about the next two weeks but I know that if I plan things out right and manage my time efficiently, that I should be fine. The Ravens game was on and my family was watching it but I was more absorbed in my essay. My dad made a really amazing final dinner for us: steak, baked potatoes, a big salad, and broccoli. There is no way that you can get anything like that at the diner. In fact I've become a quasi-vegetarian at school because I just do not trust the meat at all, it's either fried or just unidentifiable. Not my style. We got back to college park around 9 and I dropped off my brother and friend at their respective dorms and then went to my sister's apartment to watch desperate housewives. I honestly do not even like that show but I kind of feel guilty for never hanging out with her so I felt that it was needed. I've been back in Elkton for a few hours now but I've just been unpacking and catching up with friends. It feels good to be back.

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