Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sleeping beneath an orange sky

I never really like Tuesdays. I'm sure that I have said this at least once before. But today was actually really enjoyable. I started off with Women's Studies. I got an essay back and I got a 90% which I'm really happy about. I was supposed to have another essay due next tuesday but my teacher decided to cancel the essay... really good news. I've been trying to start this essay for a while now but just couldn't find the right words. I guess I don't have to worry about it anymore! I, of course, still have to know the information for a culminating essay at the end of the semester but I guess for now, I'm in the clear. I had a Government exam right after that class. I had been studying for this test for at least a week prior so I felt that I was pretty prepared. I reviewed my notes last night and was ready to go. But then someone from my floor needed a lot of help studying for the test and she was pretty much breaking down emotionally. So I decided to help her even though it was pretty late. She stressed me out a little bit but I guess overall it helped me out because trying to teach someone material is the highest stage of testing your understanding. So yea the government test went really well for me. I had UNIV later and I really still just find that class a waste of time but I really have no say in the matter.

At 6, three of my friends and I decided to go to a meditation class in the ERC. I have meditated before, or at least have made attempts through yoga and books, but this was absolutely amazing. I would consider myself a pretty spiritual person, not reliegious at all however. I have always had an interest in the theory behind mediation. The class was close to an hour long, an hour of complete silence, reflection. It was truly enlightening. It's a separation of the mind from the surrounding world and a connection between the mind and body. I highly recommend it.

After meditation I met with my dad, brother, sister, and friend to go out to dinner. My dad was here all day to help my brother get around campus because he broke his heel and is on crutches. It was good to see my dad and get a chance to talk to him. I had greek food and ate way too much but it was so good.

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