Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"You say you want a revolution...

...well you know, well we all want to change the world."
Today is Election Day. I have to say that I was pretty excited to vote especially since it was my first time. I had class at 9:30 so I decided to get up early so that I didn't have to wait too long and still get to class on time. Yeah... I woke up at 7... after going to bed at 2. I meant to get more sleep but I was with a group of people in my friend's room until pretty late so it just didn't really work out. So I went to bed way after my roommate and got up way before her. It's like I was never there. Anyway, voting was cool. I only had to wait in line for like 20 minutes and they gave people food which was nice. Honestly I had a really hard time deciding who to vote for. I thought that I had it all figured out a month ago but the economy's downturn threw me for a loop. I'm registered an Independent but I had a definite leaning inclination for one side for this election. So for all of October I was completely lost in the middle. I find it hard to pick one person, one party to represent all of my ideals...it just is never going to happen and I honestly don't understand how anyone can do it. For me, it was about picking the lesser of two evils. And in a way I believe in the the Who's song We won't get fooled again... "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." How much will change? How will my life be affected? My opinions fall on both sides, it's hard to decide which issues are the most important. I really did a lot of research on the candidates, on the platforms and I listened cautiously to the media. To be honest I was still going back and forth until last night... I decided. So yes it was rewarding to let my voice be heard.

I came home today after class. My sister and brother were still registered at home so we drove home for them to vote. I just wanted to tag along for a good dinner and rest. I decided to stay the night, have all Wednesday to work, spend the night again on Wed., and then have my dad drive me back to College Park Thursday morning on his way to work. I figured that I would be able to get a good amount of work done at home as opposed to trying to work in my dorm with all of the distractions of friends, the gym, etc. This week is a relatively easy week but I have a lot of things that are due next Tuesday so I'm going to try and get some work done to prepare for that. Since I don't have english wednesday or math, I am actually able to do this. It's not like I would actually skip that many classes. It feels really good to be home. I am completely relaxed. It's weird, I definitely thought that I would have come home more than I did... really I've only been home once and only for one night like a month ago. There surely have been times when all that I wanted to do was come home but most of the time I was glad that I stayed. So now my brother and sister have already gone back to school and I am sitting in my family room with my parents watching the election coverage on tv. I probably will stay up late to see the results and get some work done. It was a good day.

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