Sunday, November 16, 2008

killing time

After the football game yesterday I was pretty wet and cold and overall wasn't feeling that great. That's always the problem, no matter how much I love the rain, there's no way that I would ever want to stay in it for too long. Collectively my friends and I decided to stay in last night. It just hardly seemed woth it to get all dressed up to go and get rained on plus I think that we were all pretty tired. My parents took me out to dinner and we went to Atlanta Bread Company which was alright, but too reminiscent of the sandwiches of the diner for my own liking. I came back to find my friends and we watched the movie Clue and ate popcorn and just relaxed. My roommate's boyfriend came to stay so it was good to see him again. After the movie we watched some Saturday Night Live and later watched the beginning of Pulp Fiction. I had never seen it before so I really wanted to see it .Unfortunately I fell asleep within like 15 minutes but I did manage to periodially wake up at some of the most disturing parts. Yeah. I don't know, hopefully we can finish it today sometime. I guess I went to bed around 2 which felt really good considering I usually would not have gone to bed until a lot later. It was really nice to just stay in for a saturday night for once and just relax. I hope that I can do it more often. For me I get no real rise out of going out all of the time. It gets really expensive and you always wake up feeling incredibly tired. Then you spend the whole day kind of doing work but mostly just resting. But today I actually have been pretty productive. I slept relatively late but I got up and got a lot of homework done so I'm pretty happy about that. I might go to the gym later but maybe not. I feel realtively caught up with sleep though so I should get a lot done today regardless.

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