Wednesday, November 5, 2008

To everything there is a season

Well I spent the day at my house today and I am completely rested. I went to bed last night before the winner of the election was announced so when I walked into the kitchen this morning to see Obama all over the newspaper, it was news to me. I spent the morning reading the newspaper from front to back, something that I never have time to do at school. I started doing homework around 10 and, with a few breaks, didn't stop until 4. I got a lot done. I had to do a "dream job" project for UNIV and, because I'm not all too sure about my direction in life, I chose my dream job to be a lawyer. For me, it's an option but I'm not sure if it's the right choice for me... not that I at all need to know right now what I want to do. The project did make me think though, which I guess was it's purpose. I would really like to have an internship this summer but I'm not sure if it will be possible. A lot of the internships that I found wanted sophomores at the very least and not many were paying. It just seems that I don't at this time have the qualifications for an internship right now but I'll see what I can do. Maybe I'll go to the Career Center to get some advice. Otherwise today I listened to music and went outside to enjoy the season. My mom took me to Starbucks and the grocery store just to get out of the house since I was stranded there all day without a car. I think that I really needed this break from school in order to appreciate everything that college has to offer. Sometimes you just need to stop and take it all in. I have been told time and time again that college will be the best years of my life. I know this and so far I am having an amazing time but nevertheless the break was needed.
It was really good to spend some time with my parents these past few days. I am really close with both of them and I missed just being able to sit down and talk over dinner. We discussed the election results and school and life. I can't really say that I have anything like that at school, people that listen to my thoughts unconditionally without judgement. It's something that I really appreciate. I guess that I am ready to go back to school tomorrow. Tomorrow will be rough though... my dad works down toward College Park but he leaves my house around 5 every morning which means that I will have to wake up around 4:30...great. I should be back to my dorm by 6:30ish so I can go sleep for two hours and then wake up to go to class all day. I have a short break in the middle of the day... maybe I'll sleep on the mall or something. Later tomorrow night, though, I'm going with my friends to meditate and then we are getting Indian food so that will definitely be something to look forward to!

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