Monday, December 1, 2008

new beginning

The nex two weeks are going to be awful. Have I said that already? Oh, well it's worth saying again. I really want to d omy best in every class but it's so hard to manage my time efficiently so that I can focus on each subject pretty much equally. The Thanksgiving break gave me a good amount of energy to allow me to figure out some sort of a plan. I really just need to spend the majority of my day doing work. It's just two weeks after all. So, after english today I went to the library to do some work which is where I am right now. I finished my government essay which is a good thing. It's exactly 8 pages and it's supposed to be 8-10 but I think that I said everything that needed to be said. I have to analyze Vogue magazine for Women's Studies which is actually a pretty cool project. Unfortunately, it's a group project and we do not really have a leader, at all. So we are a little bit disorganized but hopefully we will be able to pull it together soon. Another girl and I took the part where we have to explain the story of the magazine, not too bad, but it's a 372 page magazine. So we decided to split the magazine in half so that we each only had to focus on half of it. Unfortunately I took the more detailed, story filled half while she has most of the advertisements... but what can you do. Hopefully I will get more credit for doing more of the work. It doesn't really matter though. I just really want a good grade. I guess I have never really been that great with working with others but I have been working on it and I know that this project will turn out alright.

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