Monday, September 8, 2008

This Bird Has Flown

The night before move in, I was lying in my bed at home, attempting to fall asleep. It wasn't really working out. My mind was racing as I went through every "what if..." imaginable, trying to picture how much my life would change once I began college. Whenever I over-analyze anything, I am guaranteed to start convincing myself that only the worst is possible. I put my radio on to try to change my thoughts, to slow my mind, to rest. After a few songs, I was getting ready to give up on the idea of sleep and just find something else to do until dawn when a song came on that changed my mood completely. It was 'Norwegian Wood' by the Beatles. Alright, so I know that this song is basically about this girl that one of the Beatles was dating and her furniture of norwegian wood, which was popular furniture at the time. There, of course, is a story behind this, he ends up sleeping in a bath and burning the furniture. The point is that there is this one line in the song that goes "This bird has flown." It gave me comfort at that time. I realized that embarking on this journey, beginning college, is bringing me one step closer to where I am meant to be. I do not know my landing point but the important thing is that I have flown, I have left my known world to find another.
It was over a week ago since that night and I still feel the same. I even learned the song on my guitar today and now I can't get it out of my head. It has become a mantra of sorts for me. It's funny what will inspire a person.

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