Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Gravity is Working Against Me

My elbow hurts right now. I slipped, completely wiping out, and landed right on it. Pretty graceful. Honestly, I feel no shame, it wasn't really my fault. It was either going to be me or the next person who walked through the puddle in the hall.
Life is really pretty funny. This group that I have been hanging out with is such an interesting mixture of people from all sorts of places, all sorts of backgrounds. Would I have been friends with them if we were all in the same high school? I don't know. It's also weird what a short time that we have known each other...yet I feel like I have known them forever. These past three weeks are the beginning of a whole new era, I hardly even remember life before this. The only outlet that I have to the past, to home, is my parents. Without contact with them, I truly would have a new life. Honestly, I have no desire to keep many ties to my home town. I just have such a strong motivation to move on. If given the chance there is no way that I would go back to high school... don't get me wrong, there were a lot of good times but there were definitely some bad.
I'm debating whether or not to audition for a singing group. The auditions are tomorrow. I hate feeling unprepared....I can't think of the perfect song to sing, I don't have any time to practice. I should do it... but I don't know if I can. I know that if someone doesn't push me to do something than it is very unlikely that I will do it. Unfortunately there is no one around to push me here so I'm going to have to motivate myself...

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