Thursday, October 2, 2008

Radio Cure

Rough day? No, rough week. For some reason I just now finally realized that I am putting way too much emphasis on the social aspects of college life. Monday was the Ravens game, the RA went home for the night, everyone went crazy. Tuesday I was determined to start studying for government but got distracted by my two best friends here who were celebrating a good grade on a chem lab. Wednesday I think I was expecting something to happen, but nothing ever really did. I couldn't sleep at all last night. There were just way too many distractions. When I finally went to my room around 2ish, I played my guitar for awhile and then was lying on my bed for a good amount of time, completely lost in thought. I was not tired at all. Maybe it was all of the sugar that I had that night (my friend made apple crisp) or maybe it was that I was listening to the guy who lives next door to me who was playing his keyboard. Regardless, sleep was not happening. Maybe at like 3 I heard a knock on my door and talking in the hall. It was three of my guy friends from my hall. I'm not even really sure why they came by but we talked in the hall for an hour, eating the powdered hot chocolate packages and being obnoxiously loud for the time that it was. So today, for obvious reasons, was a lazy sweatpants and sweatshirt kind of day because there was no way that I was awake enough to put thought into an outfit. The day was going fine, I got a lot of work done, but my government discussion changed my mood. I found out that I have to write an 8-10 page essay about a pretty confusing, ambiguous topic. Sweet. Because I didn't have enough to do before.
I have a government exam tuesday, another reason for my stress, so I'm going to go study with a friend in a little bit. I also have to figure out a good time to go to a museum in DC for womens studies this weekend. I'm thinking that I may go home this weekend, at least for saturday night. I really just need a place to go without any distractions, a place where I can turn my cell phone off without feeling disconnected, a place where people don't come to visit at 3 in the morning. I just need a day to get my head together and then I should be fine. But for now, Pandora radio is my cure.

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