Saturday, October 25, 2008

Promising Light

So I'm sitting at my desk right now and, as hard as I try, I can not get my brain to focus on one thing right now. The english essay is due monday and I have all of my research done and an outline planned basically in my head, I just need to start writing, which is truly easier said than done. I have a good amount of reading to do for women's studies which I've been looking at and a math test to study for. The game is in an hour and a half and it should be a fun one. I have a friend who gets there early to get the front row and he always saves me and my friends spots so we get the best seats. There's nothing better than being up front and completely engaged in the game. It's a grey, rainy day, not terribly cold, but miserable, nonetheless. Not the best weather to go out in when you are recovering from being sick but the game is well worth it. It's hard to concentrate on work when I keep thinking about the game and plans for the night. I know that I have work to do and yet I am procrastinating hardcore, hence why I'm writing a blog right now.
I was looking at my grades and realized that I have all A's right now...except for english with a Satisfactory. That 'S' which appears next to English 101 is very elusive. What does it mean really? There are just so many degrees of Satisfactory that I really have no way of gaging how I am doing. I mean I definitely do all of my work for the class and I did fine on the essay but I really just kind of want to know exactly how I am doing.
I'm pretty proud of myself though because I got a 94% on my first Government100 test which, hopefully, will set the tone for the rest of the tests for the class. Now I know my professor's style of making tests and I know my TA's style of grading and I know exactly how to study to prepare for the tests so there really is no reason why I shouldn't do even better on the next test. We shall see. I have to get a B in the class to stay in the Government and Politics major and I'm thinking that I should be able to do that without any real problem, though I was pretty worried before. I'm not even sure if I want to stay in this major but if I'm going to leave it, I want to leave by my own free will as opposed to being kicked out. Government is a pragmatic choice for a major, especially if I choose to go to law school after college but as something that I would be doing for the rest of my life, I'm not so sure. I met with the Anthropology advisor a few weeks ago and he was really helpful. I think that I'm going to take a class in the subject next semester to see if I really like it but right now, it seems to be a definite possibility. I can double major pretty easily, and my advisor suggests double degreeing, but this would involve me deciding on majors very pressure, it's just something that could determine the path for the rest of my life. I feel like Government is a pragamtic choice but I need a major that will make me happy, I think Anthropology or maybe Philosophy could fulfill that need. I've got some time to decide obviously and I really just need to take classes in a wide array of subjects so that I can make an existential choice. I need to do some serious soul searching.

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