Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fire and Rain

Interesting day I guess. My registration was today, 9:30. I actually got everything that I wanted! The whole thing was causing an obnoxious amount of stress for me all week and it feels so good now that it's over and I'm set. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I have class at 10 but I'm done by 2, 1 and 12 respectively, which is pretty early. Then tuesday I don't have class until 12:30 and I'm done by 4:15. Thursday I start at 11 and I'm done at 4:15...still really good. I like having the option to sleep in or sleep after classes. Also, I get the most work done in the afternoon so this should work out. It took a lot of soul searching and consulting others for me to decide on what classes to take. I am taking an Anthropology class, I think that I will really like it. For my government major, I'm taking GVPT241 which is more of a political philosophy class so it's right up my alley, also I have to take micro-economics which will probably will be a little hard. I'm taking a nonlab science and I decided on Causes and Implications of Global Change because it combines all of the sciences and adds more social issues and politics. I decided to take Sociology because a few of my friends are taking it and we are going to be in the same section. Of course I'm also interested in the subject. I think that's it. It's 16 credits which is a step up from the fall but I'm sure that I can handle it. It's also going to be more lecturing and standardized tests where as my fall was smaller classes and a lot of writing. I'm sure that I can handle it and I'm actually pretty excited to start new classes.

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