Thursday, December 11, 2008

this is the end

It was so hard to get out of bed this morning. It always is when it's a rainy, dark day: dreary and depressing. I had to go to Womens Studies today to turn in my essay and complete a course evaluation. Government, we had a review session of sorts which was somewhat helpful. After class I went back to my room and watched tv, just lying in bed lazily. There's nothing better. Surprisingly I am not stressed out at all about my finals. I really only have two exams and they are both monday so I will be able to get them over with. Then I can go home anytime I want. My friends want me to stay all week... I can't imagine staying that long but I probably will stay until wednesday. Then I will have time to sell my books and maybe buy christmas presents. I'm pretty excited to go home. I haven't been able to play my guitar that much lately so I'm really looking forward to doing that. Honestly all I really want to do is be able to read whatever I want. I am really going to miss my friends here. I think that we really have a strong connection. I also have to say that I am really excited to see my mom, like beyond belief. Overall I'm pretty happy with my semester and the amount of work that I put into my classes so I am content with whatever may happen. This blog assignment was actually good for me. At home, I always tried to write down my thoughts as often as possible but I doubt that I would have found the time without some motivation. Looking over the entries I can say that I have no complaints, I would never change a thing.

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