Sunday, December 7, 2008

two points for honesty

Good weekend. I guess it was really the last fun weekend before finals because I don't really know what will happen next weekend. It's pretty good. I only have two finals and they are both on Monday... two hours apart. For the rest of my classes, I have essays for my finals. I finished the rough draft for english today so I can focus on my Women's Studies essay now. I'm really not even sure how to write that essay but I guess I will just worry about that tomorrow. So I spent the whole day working on the english essay and now I am pretty exhausted. I hardly ever left my room but it was pretty much a cycle of people coming in to visit so the work process was a little slow. Friday I went to Santa Fe with a lot of friends which was a lot of fun. Saturday I went to Turtle. My two best friends here and I talked about life for a long time, just further bonding for us. I am really happy that I have them. I spend a lot of time with them, always going to the diner and hanging out and going out. My cousin's wedding was this weekend and I was a little mad that I didn't get to go but in a way I'm glad that I stayed here because I really did have a good weekend. I got a good amount of work done but still had a lot of fun. Right now I'm sitting in my room watching Harry Potter with my friends and just relaxing. This week could be rough with studying and reading and writing and everything.

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