Friday, December 5, 2008

sunset soon forgotten

>So I'm currently stranded in the lounge because my roommate's boyfriend is sleeping in my room. Lovely. But at least it gives me a chance to get some work done. I wrote a narrative/introduction for my argument paper. I'm not sure if it's too exaggerated or extreme though. Could it be considered a fallacy? Not sure. But I think that it's pretty good so I'm just going to roll with it. As soon as the heavy metal doors of the school slammed with a thud behind me, I could sense that something was different, something was missing. The last time that I was in this middle school, the halls were alive with excited children carrying instruments, humming or singing a new piece of music, hurrying to their next class. Bright posters and artwork covered the walls, advertising the upcoming band concert and the greatly anticipated spring musical of The Wizard of Oz. Faint echoes of classical pieces drifted from the band and chorus rooms and diffused a comforting sound throughout the halls. Peaking through open classroom doors, I saw teachers actively engaging students in innovative ways for the sole purpose of granting knowledge. Now, it was impossible to ignore that something had definitely changed. The excited children were replaced with instrument-less, robot-like beings, silently, methodically marching to class. Except for a few posters for a math club or debate team, the walls were bare. No music filled the halls and the hearts of the inhabitants. Where there once was creativity and laughter in the classrooms, there now is the drone of the youth obediently filling in the circles of a standardized test.

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